wloo photos – Tech in Deep https://www.techindeep.com Sun, 28 Jan 2024 09:52:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.12 https://i1.wp.com/www.techindeep.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/cropped-SiteIcon-3.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 wloo photos – Tech in Deep https://www.techindeep.com 32 32 162202191 The Stranger Things game is released for iOS & Android! https://www.techindeep.com/the-stranger-things-game-is-released-for-ios-android-49467 https://www.techindeep.com/the-stranger-things-game-is-released-for-ios-android-49467#comments Sun, 01 Sep 2019 13:42:55 +0000 https://www.techindeep.com/?p=49467 Stranger Things 3, the game is out for Android & iOS, but it is a pixellated game. It was first released for PC and consoles, now for mobile phones too. You can play this with your friends using a controller or a touch screen. This costs 5$, which is cheaper than the other platforms.

It may seem like this is not that perfect but Netflix has said that it is bringing a mobile RPG in 2020 which is going to be a location based game.

0 49467
YouTube is Allowing to Watch YouTube Originals for Free! https://www.techindeep.com/youtube-is-allowing-to-watch-youtube-originals-for-free-48873 https://www.techindeep.com/youtube-is-allowing-to-watch-youtube-originals-for-free-48873#comments Sun, 18 Aug 2019 15:24:55 +0000 https://www.techindeep.com/?p=48873 Recently YouTube also started its own Pay-To-Watch plans, which includes YouTube’s own series & shows. Now Google is letting users to have all of the YouTube Originals, movies & live events released on 24th September & beyond free for everyone to watch.

The paying users will have more content like Behind the Scenes, Director’s Special Cuts & Bonus Scenes, No Ads and immediate access to all the new releases. The non paying users will just have to wait for the new releases to be made public.

0 48873
Google is Giving us Password Free Logins on Android! https://www.techindeep.com/google-is-giving-us-password-free-logins-on-android-48800 https://www.techindeep.com/google-is-giving-us-password-free-logins-on-android-48800#comments Wed, 14 Aug 2019 14:27:13 +0000 https://www.techindeep.com/?p=48800 Google is giving users an option to login on certain google sites without the need of typing your password, which saves our time as well us it is secure. Most of the users today do not set a strong password and some even write their passwords somewhere in case they ever forget. Well, now at-least for some certain google sites you doo not have to worry about this.

Google says, “We are happy to announce that you can verify your identity by using your fingerprint or screen lock instead of a password when visiting certain Google services. The feature is available today on Pixel devices and coming to all Android 7+ devices over the next few days.”

Simpler authentication experience when viewing your saved password for a website on passwords.google.com

Google further says,”These enhancements are built using the FIDO2 standards, W3C WebAuthn and FIDO CTAP, and are designed to provide simpler and more secure authentication experiences. They are a result of years of collaboration between Google and many other organizations in the FIDO Alliance and the W3C.
An important benefit of using FIDO2 versus interacting with the native fingerprint APIs on Android is that these biometric capabilities are now, for the first time, available on the web, allowing the same credentials be used by both native apps and web services. This means that a user only has to register their fingerprint with a service once and then the fingerprint will work for both the native application and the web service.

If you want to read more about this in detail & want to know how does this work, here is the original Google blog: Source

0 48800
If you use WhatsApp, you need to know this right now! https://www.techindeep.com/if-you-use-whatsapp-you-need-to-know-this-right-now-48244 https://www.techindeep.com/if-you-use-whatsapp-you-need-to-know-this-right-now-48244#comments Sat, 03 Aug 2019 06:34:52 +0000 https://www.techindeep.com/?p=48244 WhatsApp is owned by Facebook & Facebook has released its new Content Moderation Plan, which you need to know about.

WhatsApp is having an end-to-end encryption as we know, which is supposed to make our messages secure. Facebook is going to add embedded content moderation and blacklist filtering algorithms to all their services including WhatsApp. Facebook is calling this, ‘Using AI to keep the platform safe’.

This talk took place on May 1, 2019, at the 2019 edition of their developer conference F8. Facebook has said that it will need to be able to scan the content of users before it becomes end-to-end encrypted. & they’ll need to harvest messages that’ve been marked by their AI as potentially breaking their speech rules. When a violation is flagged, said Facebook, they’ll need to be able to access those messages for human reading. Once violation is found, the flagged messages will then almost certainly be used in their entirety to further train their algorithms. All without any sort of additional authorization on the part of the message sender or receiver.

This AI algorithm will be saved locally on your device. WhatsApp will read all messages as they’re typed on each person’s phone. If a violation is found, violator messages will be sent directly to Facebook, in their entirety, for further action. WhatsApp was supposed to be private and secure, but now after this WhatsApp will never be the same, before getting encrypted The App will read your content and also send it to Facebook, we do not even know what words & phrases will be included as a Violation in the speech.

In other reports also we find that Facebook was always having this in mind, this means this will come to Facebook Messenger also and other apps. You have to find a secure messenger now, no matter how much any messenger says its secure, it is always vulnerable, who knows what will they do with user’s data or maybe doing.

0 48244
TikTok Parent Company ByteDance is Bringing its own Phone! https://www.techindeep.com/tiktok-parent-company-bytedance-is-bringing-its-own-phone-48048 https://www.techindeep.com/tiktok-parent-company-bytedance-is-bringing-its-own-phone-48048#comments Tue, 30 Jul 2019 19:47:25 +0000 https://www.techindeep.com/?p=48048 The TikTok company has said that it was working with a Chinese device manufacturer Smartisan on a phone.

“Reports of our smartphone development strictly refer to a continuation of plans that were in place before ByteDance began working with Smartisan, The product has no connection with TikTok and the focus is on meeting the needs of Smartisan’s existing customer base in China.” ~ ByteDance spokesperson

The hardware details are not yet known, but it is expected to be out soon. TikTok is now very famous in many countrues, ByteDance also makes other softwares but is mostly known only for TikTok. Lets wait and watch how well they develop a phone now. Meanwhile you can keep on increasing your tiktok popularity.

0 48048
Instagram is testing its Hide Like Counts feature! https://www.techindeep.com/instagram-is-testing-its-hide-like-counts-feature-47102 https://www.techindeep.com/instagram-is-testing-its-hide-like-counts-feature-47102#comments Mon, 22 Jul 2019 10:03:08 +0000 https://www.techindeep.com/?p=47102 Instagram is testing this feature in selected countries, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and New Zealand. This Hide Like Counts will let users see who liked your posts but not how many likes the post is having.

Instagram recently tweeted about its Hide Like Counts Feature…


Giving the reason for this, Instagram says…

We want your friends to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get. You can still see your own likes by tapping on the list of people who’ve liked it, but your friends will not be able to see how many likes your post has received. We’re looking forward to learning more about how this change might benefit everyone’s experience on Instagram.

This seems pretty valid because when today everyone just wants to make their posts go viral or want to have so many followers even though in real life they may not be how they are showing themselves. Whether its Instagram, YouTube, or  Facebook, this Getting Famous Fever is spreading more and more. We appreciate this action of Instagram to hide likes count, it may not affect users on a large scale but will definitely help in reducing the stress of getting more & more liked atleast.

Let us know what do you think about this in the comments, we would love to know your views.

1 47102
An upgrade to the Pokemon Go Battles & more with latest release! https://www.techindeep.com/an-upgrade-to-the-pokemon-go-battles-more-with-latest-update-40125 https://www.techindeep.com/an-upgrade-to-the-pokemon-go-battles-more-with-latest-update-40125#comments Tue, 16 Jul 2019 15:03:50 +0000 https://www.techindeep.com/?p=40125 Niantic is upgrading the appraisal system. Pokemon Go dual battles until now were about tap & attack. Now with this upgrade, the mechanism is going to be more like fruit ninja. More like Swipe & fight.

This update is bringing a better way to view your in-game stats & new charged attack mechanism, as tweeted by Niantic.

Here is another tweet regarding the stats view.

This update will be rolled out for all users very soon through your appstore & playstore.

0 40125
Chrome to add a useful feature for media control on desktop! https://www.techindeep.com/chrome-to-add-a-useful-feature-for-media-control-on-desktop-39860 https://www.techindeep.com/chrome-to-add-a-useful-feature-for-media-control-on-desktop-39860#comments Mon, 08 Jul 2019 14:52:17 +0000 https://www.techindeep.com/?p=39860 Google Chrome Desktop is soon going to add a new feature “Media Control From Address Bar”, which is already available on Chrome Android Application. This feature will let users play, pause & maybe more from the address bar.

This feature is in preview in the Chrome nightly developer build, Canary version 77, where Google rolls out new experimental features.

With thiss feature, you will see a play button in your address bar whenever you will be playing any video, on clicking that, will open a menu with these media controls. The better part is, you can see this in all tabs, not just in which the video is playing, that means you can control the media from any tab.

Lets see when Google rolls out this for all users.

0 39860
New Features & Changes in iOS 13! https://www.techindeep.com/all-new-features-changes-in-ios-13-till-beta-3-39738 https://www.techindeep.com/all-new-features-changes-in-ios-13-till-beta-3-39738#comments Fri, 05 Jul 2019 12:05:31 +0000 https://www.techindeep.com/?p=39738 Apple has now released its third beta installment.There are lots of new features, many changes & bug fixes in iOS 13. Here you can have a quick look at whats new.

  1. The new volume indicator & yes, that is awesome.

2. The silent mode notification, it is pretty & it also gives a haptic feedback.

Image result for ios 13 silent mode notification

3. Dark Mode Well, obviously. You can toggle from light mode to dark mode, it also changes the applications, its pretty amazing. Plus, you can also schedule it according to your wish. There is a shortcut to switch between light and dark mode, in the control center by 3D touch or Haptic Touch. There are also featured wallpapers for dark mode.

Image result for iOS 13 dark mode settings

4. Apple Music – If we go into the music application you will notice that we have a new UI, we have the text(song name etc.) to the left now instead of right in the center and then we have a time of the song and where we’re currently, at below the title now instead of above it you can see our play button is a little bit smaller and we also have additional options at the bottom we have a dedicated lyrics button down there now and if we actually press on the lyrics button right there you can see we have lyrics but not only do we have a new UI for the lyrics but they actually follow along with the song so you can see that when it goes to the next part in the song when they start saying those lyrics it goes with it it syncs up with the song and it’s like karaoke style, you can just tap anywhere & you will see the song playing from there. It also now warns you if you add a song to a playlist & if its already there.

iOS 12 on the left & iOS 13 on the right

5. Swipe to type – Apple’s QuickPath Keyboard

6. New screenshot menu

7. Messages Info Sharing & Memoji Makeup – iOS 13 brings you Memoji Stickers, which you can use directly in Messages & makeup for you memoji. You can chose how people see your name & photo, for example. You can decide whether you want your profile shared with everyone, with only your contacts, or just once.

8. Sign in with Apple – You can now sign in to third party apps through Sign In With Apple, which is Apple’s take on Google & Facebook’s third party sign in feature. For privacy, you can now sign in with a random email without revealing your original mail ID.

9. Xbox One and PS4 game controller support – Now you can connect your controller to play on your iPhone, Apple did not mention a lot on this, but it is very useful when you want to play any game on your iPhone with the controller setup.

10.  New Sharesheet 

11. The all new photos app and video editor

12. The new reminders -You can now add subtasks also.

12. Safari Changes

When uploading a photo using Safari, you can now choose small, medium, large, and actual size options before uploading it. There are new page zoom options, your open tabs can be saved as bookmarks, and you can jump to an open tab from the search field.

From the Share Sheet in Safari, you can now email a web page as a link, a PDF, or in reader view, and when it comes to privacy, there are a few new improvements. If you try to use a weak password when signing up for a website account, Safari will send a warning, and your Safari history and iCloud-synced tabs use end-to-end encryption.

Also you have now a download manager, which gives you a way to check on the status of files you’re downloading and access files you’ve already downloaded. You can drag and drop files from this interface into a file or an email, and download files in the background.

Although there are many other changes & fixes but we have given you the new features & the big changes. Other things are there like…

new Look Around feature in Maps is Apple’s version of Google Street View.

Location Restrictions,  In iOS 13, users have more control over how and when apps access their location data. There’s a new option to allow an app to use a person’s location just one time, with a requirement to ask again when the next time it wants to use location data.

Several Improvements in the mail app.

There are more of these, but these are the major ones. Let us know if you know anything else.

Web is more good.
0 39738
Google Messages May Be Getting AR Effects! https://www.techindeep.com/google-messages-may-be-getting-ar-effects-39262 https://www.techindeep.com/google-messages-may-be-getting-ar-effects-39262#comments Mon, 01 Jul 2019 11:37:48 +0000 https://www.techindeep.com/?p=39262 Google is testing new AR effects in its Messages app, we have got a video demonstrating the same by XDA developers, you can see them below.

There are 5 camera effects in Android Messages: plane, balloons, fireworks, confetti, and an angel. The feature is present in the camera viewfinder, so when you go to send a picture you can select the effects tab. This is only for sending pictures you take in the Messages app and not in your regular camera. These will send with MMS, SMS, or RCS depending on what your device supports.

Augmented Reality is now being used in so many apps and many messengers, Google is trying to position Android Messages to be more of an iMessage competitor. These new features could bring more users, we will see when this will be released for public. These work very well, they are able to recognize your face and put things in front and behind you with great accuracy. The balloon effect screenshot shows it perfectly. If it were higher quality, you might not even be able to tell if the balloons were fake.

0 39262